
How Do I Choose My Bridesmaids?

It’s a question as old as time, pondered by one too many brides-to-be. Because let’s face it, not only must a bride handle the ginormous stress of organizing the wedding from A to Z, but she also has to go through all the trouble of choosing her army of bridesmaids. And truth be told, it might just be one of the most challenging tasks a bride faces, what with the fact that she has to make sure none of her family members or friends get offended if they’re not selected.

While some brides have sorted this conundrum out the minute they started fantasizing about their wedding day, others might be completely oblivious to the fact that this whole thing takes lots of effort and time.

With that in mind, we want you to sit back, relax and scroll down so we can help you get through this process ASAP!

  1. First things first; you can’t go through hell and back to please everyone. You just can’t. So before you do anything, start thinking about the blood ties. Your sisters or cousins – well the ones that are close to you – come first. That’s easy. But if you have many sisters, I’m sure you can all agree on some sort of system that puts all of you in the same position at one point in time.
  2. Now for the rest of the spots, listen carefully. The positions to be filled must be reserved to your closest friends – and we mean closest. If you have a lot of close friends, make sure you pick the ladies that can both do the job and be there for you. Avoid picking the bridesmaid that will always be late, will procrastinate or worse, forget about the tasks.
  3. Remember, it’s a very tricky task to be given. So if one of your potential bridesmaids has a lot on her mind right now – workwise or personally – it’s okay to spare her the position. She’ll know you still care about her if you explain it to her carefully. After all, taking on such a big task can be quite challenging for your friends as well.
  4. Once you do have clear cut list of all your potential bridesmaid, make a small Plan B list, in case one of the bridesmaid says no. That said, don’t be offended if one of them says no, it’s never personal, and she might be very pressured at the moment. Finally, let your bridesmaids know that you understand if they can’t commit to such a position.

Now that we’ve covered this issue, find out how you can Tie the Knot in Short Bridal Dresses!

Article Written by Cindy Menassa

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