
Fight the Frizz

Whether you have curly or straight hair, when it gets frizzy, it’s never cute. Ever since I could remember I have been in battle with the frizz. For a few years I took a break from this battle since I was getting the Brazilian blowout, but now that I stopped, I have found myself back on the battlefield. We know the problem, so let’s talk solutions. Besides finding the right combination of products there are a few other things hairdressers recommend. The best way to fight your enemies, is to figure them out first. So what is frizz exactly? Well, when there is moisture in the air your hair absorbs it causing it to get poofy. This is why we all have the worst hair days when it rains. The first thing to do is not wash your hair too often since this will make it dry and thirsty for moisture. When you do wash your hair, make sure you leave in that conditioner for a few minutes while you wash your body. Finish off with a cool rinse and invest in a microfiber towel. Using a deep conditioner is also great for not only fighting frizz but keeping your hair healthy and shiny. What not to use is hairspray, since alcohol dries out your hair. Ever go to a special event and spray on loads of hairspray only to find yourself at the bathroom mirror at the party horrified? Either take it easy on the hairspray, or get one that is alcohol free. Another tip is to blowdry the night before and sleep on a silk pillowcase. If you need extra help, oils are great for fighting frizz, even silicon based ones. And if you’re stuck in a frizzy situation, keep some hand cream in your purse, rub a little bit on your hands, and run your fingers through your hair to do the trick.   


Aline Agopian

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