
Show Off Those Cheekbones

Although some people are blessed with high cheekbones, the good news is we can all achieve them. Feel like yours are nonexistent? Take your hand and place it on your cheeks and go down until you feel the empty space underneath. You have just found the area that you will be contouring to make them look more prominent. 

It’s all a play on color and light. Start off with a brightening concealer under your eyes. Apply this in a V shape. Next, grab an angled brush and a matte bronzer. I love the Too Faced Soleil Matte Bronzer. Start from your hairline near your ear and carve out your cheekbone area by going back and forth. Don’t use too much product and take the time to blend away. I also like using a crease eyeshadow brush for this so I can focus on the area without it getting all over the place.

Next apply your favorite blush, by smiling and applying on the apples of your cheeks. You can also add a highlighter on top of the cheek if you like. Make sure everything is all blended to look natural and not cakey. 

If you want a stronger contour use a cream formula like the Bobbi Brown Contour Stick as a base and follow up with a powder. Finally, please remember to blend, blend and blend.  


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