
Beauty Tip of the Week – The Waterline

The waterline is always open for debate!
Questions such as, what makes eyes bigger? Smaller? Sharper? Do we even need to line the waterline at all?
Here we share a few tips to simplify the power of shading and how different colors give off a different effect.
Let’s narrow them down to 3: White, Nude, and Black

White liner will open up the eyes in a very obvious way, and let’s face it, we love all things chic and drama! The best part is that white liner on the waterline reminds us of the 60s, especially when combined with a flick of black liner and a neat eye contour.
Nude Liner is also eye enhancing, making the eyes appear larger but in a much more subtle and less obvious way. It's there, but not there, and eyes instantly appear brighter and bigger.

Black liner is where the heart is as we all know. As with all things dark, the payoff will be smaller and more closed but the good news is, the eyes look more piercing, striking and fierce in total glamour mode.
If you are opting for definition without the intensity of black, a good choice would be a brown or gray. Both shades give beautiful enhancement and definition to the eyes too!

Experiment away, whatever your eye color may be, these pencils and colors do wonders and allow you to be yourself no matter what the occasion!



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