
Online Shopping 101 – How Not to Binge Shop

Photo Courtesy of Moda Operandi

As a shopping-addict myself, I can safely say that the tiny spur of happiness and satisfaction you get from a purchase does not last. Which brings me to the most dangerous part of shopping, also known as online shopping. There’s something about browsing for hours upon hours on the net for the perfect item that’s so satisfying – at least while you’re doing it.

Don’t get me wrong, I love shopping. I could never stop doing it. But there’s a fine line between the occasional purchase, and the daily browsing of hundreds upon hundreds of  pages, trying to find the perfect clothes that could “ultimately bring you joy and happiness”. And so, after my 53rd online purchase, I finally understood why online shopping is good…within limits. Read on to see how you can limit your online binge-shopping.

  1. Before you browse through the web, make a list of all the things you actually need. Have a wedding in a few months? It’s okay to surf the web for the perfect wedding guest dress. In need of a wallet? Why not go through an online shopping platform? But no, you don’t need the black pair of pumps that look exactly like the ones you bought not more than 2 weeks ago.
  2. While online shopping can make you feel like you’ve achieved something on a very unproductive day, beware of its consequences. One way to always limit your purchases is to place all your likings in a box or a wish list. Once you do, sort them out and proceed by elimination. That way, you’ll end up buying the things you really like.
  3. Just because you can’t touch and feel the item your eyeing, doesn’t mean that it’s not real. It so is. With that in mind, don’t get lost in the idea of “virtual reality”. These items are real, and they will arrive to your closet. So, choose and purchase wisely.
  4. If the mere thought of “I’ll just wear it when I lose weight” pops into your mind when browsing, then that item is not for you, and you shouldn’t be purchasing it. We’re not saying you don’t have will-power or that you won’t be losing weight, but odds are you won’t be shedding those extra pounds any time soon, so why spend the money on an unnecessary purchase right away?
  5. Sometimes, online shopping is an addiction. So why don’t you try bringing your attention to other activities, such as browsing the web for fun places to travel where you can build tangible and memorable experiences instead of this momentary happiness?


Article Written by Cindy Menassa

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