
How Street-Stylers Are Wearing Their Boots this Fall

Think back to the last time you got excited for Fall. Was it right after fashion week? Or was it when you saw the fashion brands’ ad campaigns filling up your Instagram feed?

Well ladies, we’ve found the perfect accessory to get you all riled up again for the start of the cold season: boots. These shoes are your most versatile option in winter and they serve their purpose by keeping your feet warm and by making one big statement that says “look at me, I’m here”. Fortunately, the styles are endless, the materials used are fabulous and the versatility of their length is just to-die-for. So whether you opt for over-the-knee boots, ankle booties or flat ones, one thing’s for sure; you will look gorgeous.

In the realm of accessories, boots are a must-have and we’re giving you a little insight on how street style mavens are wearing them this Fall. The Photo Gallery, right this way…


Cindy Menassa

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