
Céline Spring-Summer 2019 Collection

Could this be a new era for Celine? For his debut collection at the French Maison, HediSlimane brought his edgy vision to Céline’s roots. The result? Pure genius.

The whole fashion industry was waiting for this exact moment; the moment when Slimane would put all the interrogative rumors to rest. Yes, he was leading the reigns of the Maison and yes, the pieces had rocker chic written all over them. Changing the aesthetic meant changing the approach to fashion the House previously head. That meant – over and over again – black garments, skinny suits and short dresses.  There were sharp shoulders and slim silhouettes for both women and men, marking the House’s menswear debut. But there were also babydoll dresses with opulent ruffles, rock’n’roll tuxedos and a busload of leather pieces. One green sequined dress was simply marvelous, drawing attention to Slimane’s love for all-things edgy. Phoebe Philo’s reign might be over, but Hedi Slimane is rebranding the House with all the edginess he possesses.


Cindy Menassa

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