Jewelry & Watches

Wrap It around Your Wrist

Photo Courtesy of Cartier

Let’s admit that the best way to make your wrist stand out on a regular “not-much-happening” day is to wear a timepiece that catches the attention of every person who sees you. Whether through the color or design, time tellers never fail to take your outfit to new heights and this is when you think about a wraparound piece to complete your outfit.

Are you a big watch enthusiast? If yes, enriching your watch collection with one or two new timepieces should be a task that probably brings you so much joy! Think of the days where you feel like going colorful and the ones that call for more classical designs to know what you need to be on top of your time telling game.

Like every year, watch brands have been so generous that they offered us a few designs that will never disappoint your stylish taste, and we decided to pick the crème de la crème to help you make your choice. So, we invite to join us in the Photo Gallery below and take a look at our 7 winners!


Mirella Haddad

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