
So You Want to Look Taller?

We all do! It’s no secret that we woman love ourselves an elongated and gracious allure. How often have you looked at a model and envied her taller-than-thou legs? Or better yet, how often have you calculated your height and that of your soles in order to create the perfect length? If the answer is very often, then this article is just for you.

While we’re strong supporters of “height doesn’t matter”, the fact is, society really cares about appearance and does in fact judge a book by its cover. With that in mind, the fashion industry has recently been embracing the flat-shoes trend – much to our chagrin – and looking slightly taller hasn’t been that much of an obsession lately. But for those of you who still wish to create an illusion of extra height, then we’ve got just the thing for you. Look slender with our shares below!

  1. First and foremost, embrace your physique. There’s nothing hotter than a woman knowing her worth. And so, once you do, you’ll have your shoulders straightened and your height elongated without even trying too hard!
  2. Adopt the wide-leg pants trend. Not only do these trousers make your legs look stretched, but they’re also a smart way to hide your heels!
  3. Monochrome outfits are your best friends. Using simply one color through your whole outfit can create a unified silhouette and hence make you look taller.
  4. Go for vertical stripes. Taller and slimmer? Yes, please!
  5. Move over ballerinas, this season, pointy heels are your go-to shoes – that and a bit of platform-love.
  6. And if you’re more of a flat-kinda-girl, than do pick some fancy flatforms to seal the deal.


Cindy Menassa

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