
Let Your Kids Dress Themselves

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It’s always okay to let your kids express themselves freely, especially when it comes to dressing themselves up. After all, at such a young age, children look for different ways to build character, be it by revolting, or by choosing their own clothes.

We know that as a mother, you really don’t want to see your child looking like a clown – because let’s face, if the choice is his/hers, he/she will most definitely look like a clown. But the fact is, leaving them the option to pick their own attire will come a long way and will ultimately facilitate the methods of communication between parent and child. To make this task that much easier on you, we’ve compiled a set of guidelines to help you let you child dress freely without suffering from horrifying style results.

  1. Take out a few of their wardrobe choices and lay them out for them on the bed. Lead them to believe the choice is theirs, but in the end, they’ll be choosing from your compilation.
  2. It’s no secret, children like to mix and match patterns. Well aren’t we all in luck? Since it’s the trend of the year, let them be! It’s perfectly okay to mix polka dots with stripes and so on!
  3. Children also like to copy their parents. So if you want your little girl to be as fashionable as you, get her the exact same dress she’s been making googly eyes at! And if you’re boy is head over heels for his dad’s hat, get him that same old hat! Influence is key.
  4. Finally, don’t be intimidated by them, even if they scorch your ears with their screams. Although the choice is all theirs, at the end of the day, you are the authority, so if you say ‘put on pants’, then they shall wear pants. Enough said.


Cindy Menassa

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