Bridal Tips

Honeymoon Packing – The Art of Travelling Light

Somewhere between organizing your wedding day and picking the perfect destination for your honeymoon, you forgot about the ultimate matter of packing. Which begs the question: how on earth will you, a biologically programmed-to-over-pack being, travel light?

Packing light is no longer the right of men. Believe it or not, we women are also capable of this magical phenomenon. Granted, the hectic arrangements of the big day may have left you with little time – and nerves – to handle another big decision, but the trick here is to rationalize the facts and ultimately, take a deep breath and calm down. Below, we’ve gathered guidelines that will have you ready in no time!

1 – First and foremost, prepare everything in advance so you can fully enjoy the post-wedding shenanigans without having to worry about everything else.

2 – Make a big list of the things you really need to take with you on your honeymoon and consult your partner. Who knows, you could take one big suitcase instead!

3 – Synchronize your destination with your must-pack items. If you’re going to a beach destination, then let your list reflect it – think swimsuits, bermudas, cute dresses and so forth.

4 – Always check the weather of said destination while packing. And remember, no you cannot pack your entire closet.

5 – Divide your honeymoon between daywear and nightwear. Once you do, you’ll allot your wardrobe choices a lot better.

6 – We know you have a closet full of shoes, but remember, you don’t have eight feet. So, pack only your essentials, such as trainers, a pair of comfortable heels and maybe classic ballerinas.

7 – Pick one or two versatile jeans or trousers, and match them with a series of tops. Do the same for skirts and shorts.

8 – Finally, do not in any way whatsoever, pack all your handbags. Just pick one for your daytime outings and another one for the night.

Enjoy your honeymoon ladies!


Cindy Menassa

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