
Give your brows a break

We’ve all tried to make our eyebrows look as thick as Cara Delevingne's and less like our high school-pencil-thin brows, and with that task, comes a lot of third party advice: don’t pluck! don’t wax! don’t thread! Who do we believe? So I decided to test all three options and see which one actually keeps my thick brows intact. 

I experimented with visits to waxers, eyebrow artists and inexpensive threading salons, all of whom promised to leave me with gorgeous celebrity-like brows. My first visit to each and every one of them was always "love-at-first-hair-removed” . But unfortunately, like most of the relationships in my 20s, these emotions didn’t last more than a few visits. At first, everything seemed perfect and my eyebrows looked great. But as I started growing arelationship and stayed loyal to one person, I realized that my eyebrows were thinner than when we first started seeing each other.

I always blamed the esthetician, but I finally had an epiphany: it’s not you it’s me! I realized that as soon as I saw a couple of hairs, I would book an appointment and ask for the immediate removal of all the "extra” hairs. One receptionist once asked me, “weren’t you here last week?” And there it was: I was removing/cleaning my eyebrows way too often. I was an eyebrow over-achiever.  It wasn’t the beauticians’ fault because they were just doing their jobs. But eyebrows don’t grow out if you keep cleaning them every chance you get. I finally did something crazy and didn’t touch them for about a month. Ok, maybe once on a really sunny day in the backyard I had a little fun with my tweezers but other than that I admit I started to look a little hairy-scary. But I stuck to it, and if I went out I piled on the concealer and just told myself it’s a sacrifice. I waited for my eyebrow appointment as if it was my birthday. I was so excited to go to my next one, and when I got there I asked her to tweeze instead of wax or thread, and it was so worth it. 

My eyebrows are still in the growing phase but I can assure you they are definitely a bit thicker than before. I’m using Benefit Cosmetics BROWVO! Conditioning Primer Nutrient Rich Eyebrow Primer every night to help grow them out and I’ve scheduled my next appointment in three weeks instead of two. Moral of the story ladies, whether you wax, pluck or thread, wait it out to get and keep the shape you want! 


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