
Beautiful Hair 101

Some women are blessed with beautiful hair and some of us have to put in the extra effort. No matter which end you fall on, here’s a checklist for beautiful hair all year-round.

1- Washing your hair every day is a thing of the past. If you have oily hair, you might want to wash it more often, but don’t do so more than 2-3 times a week.

2- Shampoo goes on your scalp and Conditioner goes on your ends. Think about it, why would you want to dry out your ends with a cleansing shampoo? Also, why would you want to condition your scalp only to make it oily faster? It’s ok to let the shampoo fall through to your ends to clean them, but chances are you are using too much product anyway.

3- Apply a hair mask at least once a week. If you don’t have one handy use coconut oil instead. 

4- Brushing your hair daily will help activate blood flow to the roots. 

5- A healthy diet shows on your hair and nails. Make sure you are eating enough nutrient dense foods and supplementing with vitamins if needed. 

6- A small trim can make a huge difference on the appearance of your hair, so don’t skip those cuts every couple of months or so, depending on how much you abuse your hair with heat.

7- Use a heat protectant when blow drying or styling. Try to keep heat to a minimum, but if it’s necessary protect your hair.

8- Ask your colorist to add a gloss at the end for extra shine.

9- Don’t skip your color appointment; a washed-out color is not cute.

10- Don’t tie your hair too tight. I’m a huge fan of the bun, but if you do a tight one every day, chances are you are losing hair because of it. Try a more laid back version, like a loose bun with pins. 


Aline Agopian

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