
Accessorize in Pink

Disclaimer: the word pink is excessively used in this feature. Embrace it.

The month of Breast Cancer Awareness is upon us and we, at Azyaamode, are huge supporters of this cause. So, during Pink October, we suggest you reconsider the colors you’ve been thinking about and hop on the pink-wagon instead.

You might not be a big fan of this color, but keep in mind that it holds much greater values, as it unites us all together for a cause. From lighter shades to darker tones, the “pink” world is truly your oyster. Whether you opt for a pink-mania to take over your shoes, your bags or your sunglasses, you’ll definitely be on the right track to earn the “fashion forward” title. Not only is the color so in, but it’s also extremely flattering for any kind of complexion. And at the end of the day, you can always find new ways to wear pink that aren’t only rooted in the “girly” stereotypes.

So as an ode to all these strong women out there, let’s all unite and wear pink for a cause! To help you out, we’ve scoured the most attractive and trending pink accessories. To the Photo Gallery!

Cindy Menassa

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