
Waist Training – The Do’s and Don’ts

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But what’s waist training? Remember the whole Kim Kardashian-corset shindig? Well, that’s exactly it. It’s that corset you wear around your waist that is supposed to ultimately help you create an hourglass figure. The whole process was and is up for debate; is the pain worth it? Are the results as accurate as Kim K made them sound like? We’re still not sure of anything and it’s still a very controversial practice that several celebrities have promoted, while celebrity doctors – such as Dr. Oz – have warned against. The jury is still out but for those of you who are not an extremist about it, and for those who were completely impressed by Kim’s Instagram picture featuring her in a corset and who are aiming for a slimmer waist, we’ve rounded up a few tips and tricks to help you master this technique like a pro.

Do keep in mind that the process is not pain-free. It’s uncomfortable and borderline painful at times. And it’s up to you to stop it all when the pain becomes unbearable and a hazard for your health.

Don’t think that the process is that simple. The route to a hotter silhouette comes with a lot of consequences. For instance, surviving something that is totally holding back your breath.

Do remember that it’s not magic. Sure, you’ll make that waist smaller, but it’s mainly because the corset is so cinched to your waist that it doesn’t leave much space for food.

Don’t underestimate the signs your body is giving you. If the answer to the “are you in pain” question is yes, then abort mission. Either loosen it up a bit or just throw it in the bin.

Do keep in mind that you have to follow a certain regimen while wearing the corset, not to mention a certain work-out process. If you don’t do any of the above, then you might as well stop waist training.


Cindy Menassa