
Tips for the Perfect Fall Skincare Routine

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Transitioning from summer to fall is not that easy, especially on your skin! As the temperature drops and the weather gets drier, your skincare routine needs a major update that erases the damages of the sun and preps your skin for the cold winter days. Here are a few tips that will get you through fall with a healthy complexion!

  • Start using hydrating cleansers and ditch the fragrant soaps that make you feel refreshed during summer.
  • We all know that exfoliating is essential but now, it’s time to opt for an oil-based scrub to repair the damage of the summer sun and chloride on your skin. Believe us, this type of scrub will not only exfoliate, but will also hydrate your skin.
  • After exfoliating comes the time to hydrate your skin. Invest in a good cream or any other thicker moisturizer. While choosing the perfect product, listen to your skin’s needs and choose wisely.
  • If you have acne-prone skin, you might feel that it’s drier than it was during the summer. Therefore, ask your dermatologist to prescribe gentle anti-acne medications that don’t over-dry your skin.
  • Your lips also need some care, so start to hydrate them using a good lip balm to avoid cracked lips during the winter.
  • Fall and winter make your hands look and feel dry. So, don’t hesitate to invest in a great hand cream to keep them soft and supple.
  • With all these moisturizing tips, some people feel that their skin is still dry. This is when supplying your room with a humidifier becomes a must!
  • Last but not least, drink plenty of water. Although you won’t feel the need to as much as hot summer days, you still have to make water your all-time companion.

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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