
The Secret to Soft Lips

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Every woman dreams about soft, perfect lips and as a matter of fact, it’s so easy to make this dream come true! All you need is consistency and well, a small jar of a magical product called lip scrub. So let’s share the benefits of giving your beautiful pout a daily scrub!

A lip scrub exfoliates the environmental impurities and dust particles that might be harmful to skin tissues. Not only does it keep them clean, but also nourishes them thanks to the essential oils it contains. However, what you might not know is that those little granules that make the scrub what it is are sugar, which helps your lips stay moisturized. These little granules also have another job, which is ridding you from the dead skin that keeps your pout from being smooth….hello naturally glossy lips!

In fact, after a few weeks of use, you will start noticing how much better your favorite lipstick looks. And all this depends on the right way you use your lip scrub. Therefore here are some golden rules to get the best results: use it twice or three times a week by applying it on your lips and gently massaging it for 5 minutes. Rinse off with mild water then apply a lip balm.

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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