
Stop Believing these 10 Hair Care Myths

What’s the deal with healthy, wonderful hair? Surely not the myths that we used to believe when we were younger! These popular theories turned out to be so wrong that we wanted to dedicate a whole feature to convince you not to believe them anymore.

  • Cutting you hair makes it grow faster: cutting the ends of your hair has nothing to do with the follicles in your scalp, which determine how much your hair should grow.
  • Oil makes your hair greasier: well, this theory is partially true and only in the case of the false application. In fact, oil should be applied to the ends of your hair, not to the scalp.
  • Fine hair shouldn’t be conditioned: fine hair will be fine no matter what you do, so finding the right products and styling it in a proper way might help you give it some volume. However, it’s essential to find the perfect shampoo and conditioner for every hair type.
  • Dry shampoo is better than the normal one: it’s very important to know that dry shampoo doesn’t clean your hair, but removes the oil that makes it look dull. This definitely doesn’t make it an alternative for normal shampoo!
  • Split ends can be repaired: the only way to repair split ends is to cut them off, as no product can fix them.
  • Air drying is better than blow drying: in fact, it’s absolutely the opposite. Studies proved that exposing hair to water can be damaging in the long run, which makes blow drying at the lowest heat setting is the best way to dry your hair.
  • Rinse your hair with cold water to make it shinier: the torture time is over as this is just a myth. You can use treatments to make it shinier instead!
  • Shampoo your hair many times to clean it well: no, one thorough wash is enough, as too much shampoo can leave your hair feeling dry and strip it from its color.
  • Brush your hair more to make it healthier: on the contrary, it could actually harm your hair, as brushing pulls hairs out from their follicles.
  • Don’t pluck a grey hair as two will grow in its place: true, you should not pluck hair as this may cause infection and damage to your scalp but the second part is absolutely wrong!


Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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