
Spring-Break Packing List

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If you’re going on a spring break vacation, then odds are you’ve already chosen a destination where the skies are clear and the sun is shining as bright as ever.

But before you start daydreaming about it, reality check: you have got to start packing. And unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past decade, you probably already know that we women are not programmed to pack light. But that’s okay, because we’ve got a few tricks up our sleeves that can help you solve this dilemma. First things first, pack according to the length of your trip; if it’s a little weekend getaway then your packing list shouldn’t exceed the weight of a carry-on or a duffle bag. But if you’re going for a longer stay (a week, 10 days or even longer than that) than you should go for a full-on suitcase. And no, that doesn’t mean you should pack everything you own.

Also, you should definitely take a look at the extended forecast to check the weather before packing, and finally, you should consider taking clothes that can be used on more than one occasion so as to travel light. So since you have a lifetime to learn through your mistakes and since you have to start somewhere, we’ve decided to give you a little hand. Scroll below to view the ultimate spring break packing list!


Article Written by Cindy Menassa

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