
Spilling Beauty Secrets – Halle Berry’s “Caffeinated Body Wash”

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Celebrities and stars inspire us in so many ways and one of these ways is their beauty secrets. We always watch them rock the red carpets and the most important events in flawless looks, and there is nothing wrong in digging a little bit to find out what makes them so… them! After discovering the secret behind Taylor Swift’s perfect red pout, here’s something you should know about a trick that Halle Berry uses to look top notch.

Ever wondered how this American actress has such amazing skin? Well, it’s all in the coffee grounds that she adds to her body wash. This mix not only exfoliates her skin, but also helps prevent cellulite. In fact, caffeine increases blood flow and keeps her skin smooth. We know you’re dying to try it, so get your “caffeinated body wash” ready and let it work its magic just like it does with Halle Berry.

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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