
Solutions to Kiss Chapped Lips Goodbye

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If there is one problem in our face that we can’t seem to get rid of, it would definitely be our chapped lips. Whether the weather is hot or cold, this problem seems to accompany us all year long. In fact, what makes it so hard to treat is that our lip skin is the thinnest comparing to that on other parts of our body, which makes the need to follow a care routine and take into consideration some tips key to healthy lips during any season of the year. So, here are some that will help you kiss chapped lips goodbye!

-First and foremost, you should use a good lip balm. Avoid ones with drying ingredients such as menthol, camphor and phenol, as well as scented and flavored products. To ensure the one you choose is efficient, make sure it contains petroleum, lanolin, beeswax or ceramides.

-Why not try a natural remedy? Believe it or not, soothing and moisturizing your chapped lips can be through products you find in your kitchen. Consider coconut oil, aloe vera, honey and cucumber – to name a few.

-To see better results, it’s very important to exfoliate your lips. Use a scrub that contains sugar or baking soda to gently remove the dry skin on the surface and pave the way for healing ingredients to penetrate the skin on your dry lips.

-We all know that dry air dries out the skin, and your lips are affected too. So, consider using a humidifier that moisturizes your atmosphere during colder days.

-Last but not least, drink water. We can never say it enough, but this lifestyle resolution can really make a difference, as it hydrates your body from the inside and the outside results are quite impressive, must we admit!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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