
Oh Haute Couture!

Paris Haute Couture Week just started and we really can’t contain our excitement! Year after year, we’ve witnessed our favorite brands, designers and Maisons de couture present all their fabulous work in this 5-day extravaganza. Safe to say, there really isn’t a better city than the French Capital to welcome the hoard of fashion editors, A-listers, models, designers and the industry’s biggest influencers.

And so, as the Parisian streets start filling up with fashion connoisseurs, we wonder: what is it about Haute Couture Week that makes it so dreamy? What are this industry’s little secrets? To celebrate the fabulousness that is Paris Haute Couture Week, we’ve decided to let you in on the little secrets that make this event the successful and long-awaited happening that it is.

  1. The biannual event is home to the world’s most enormous runway shows, in terms of art, fashion, creativity and designs. And so, the dates and schedules are set solely by the Fédération Francaise de la Couture.
  2. With Fall/Winter and Spring-Summer collections to unveil, designers and Fashion Houses have to follow a little set of rules. Indeed, La Chambre Syndicale de Haute Couture established rules to be followed by designers such as having at least 20 members on staff, being part of the Syndical Chamber itself, having to present 35-piece collections – at least – twice a year with numbers ranging from daywear to eveningwear, and finally presenting hand-sewn dresses with over a hundred hours of hard work put into the making.
  3. “Haute Couture” means “High Sewing” and therefore alludes to the act of designing hand-sewn made-to-order pieces for women’s clothes.
  4. Haute Couture is very costly and so only the most elitist designers can really afford joining the membership.

Did we get you excited enough for the glamorous week ahead?


Article Written by Cindy Menassa

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