
Mastering Neon Makeup Turns Out to Be a Piece of Cake

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When neon makeup first started taking over the fashion world, ladies out there – including me – were thinking about the big challenge they must face to master this trend. Well, after I have come to good terms with it myself, I think I should share with you some helpful tips that makes the process a whole lot easier than any of us could think!

First things first, you should not be a supermodel to pull off a neon makeup look. Every woman has an audacious side that she would like to explore, and this is one way to do so. So, let your self-confidence do the talking on this one and enjoy this trend while it lasts!

Start off with something simple, yet bold. Regardless of your age and complexion, neon accents work for everyone. Think an eyeliner paired with natural, glossy lips or a stand-alone neon lip color accompanied by a natural makeup look for the eyes and the complexion. Yes, only pick a feature of your face and let it be the star of the show.

The hardest form of neon makeup is using neon eyeshadows, and might I suggest not to start your journey with this one. After spending some time exploring simpler neon makeup solutions, you might want to expand your territory and this is a great way to do so. In fact, to make the task easier on you, makeup brands offer these beauty marvels in different textures for you to choose the one that is easiest to work with. Isn’t that cool?

Last but not least, pick the color that brings out the beauty of your eyes. Think orange or pink for blue or green eyes, and blue for brown and green eyes.

Now sincerely, have you ever thought that this would be that easy? Well, neither did we!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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