
Let Essential Oils Do Wonders to Your Hair

Growing your hair is far from being an easy task. We don’t want to burst your bubble, but if you think that a magical oil will come and give you the longer hair you’ve always wanted in a glimpse of an eye, we suggest you be patient. So, draw a big smile on your face and read what we have in store for you about essential oils.

We all know that having healthy long hair mainly relies on having healthy scalp, and that’s exactly what using essential oils is all about. Extracted from plants through evaporation or distillation, these natural offerings have – in addition to their aromatic properties – countless health benefits. So, with your will to make your hair healthier and render its growth easier, here are the essential oils you should try out!

Besides reducing stress, lavender essential oil generates cell growth and it can actually speed up your hair growth as well. Thanks to its antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it improves your scalp health. So, mix several drops of it with some olive oil or melted coconut oil, apply it directly on your scalp and leave it for 10 minutes before shampooing. The best part? You can repeat this several times a week!

If your hair is fine, rosemary essential oil not only improves its growth speed, but also its thickness. Twice a week, mix several drops of it with olive or coconut oil and apply it to your scalp for 10 minutes.

You know that dandruff can affect your hair growth? So, to get healthy and flake-free scalp, use lemongrass essential oil on a daily basis: mix a few drops of it with your shampoo and make sure to massage it well into your scalp.

Hair loss is also one of the factors that can slow hair growth. So, if you’re facing this problem, use cedarwood essential oil by mixing a few drops with two tablespoons of olive or coconut oil, or use thyme essential oil by mixing only 2 drops with two tablespoons of olive or coconut oil. Leave the mix on for about 10 minutes and then, wash it off with shampoo.

If your hair is dry, try out the Ylang-ylang essential oil. Besides improving hair texture and reducing hair breakage, this oil hydrates the scalp and rids you of brittle hair. Mix 5 drops of it with 2 tablespoons of warm oil, apply the mix to your scalp as you massage it, then wrap your head with a warm towel. Wash it out after leaving it for 30 minutes to get the best results!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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