
Jade Roller

I keep seeing all these YouTubers using these cool green rollers during their skincare routines, as I’m sure you have too. You may have also had an esthetician use it on you during a facial, but imagine that same relaxing feeling every day at home? That said, I really had to get my hands on one and I found one that I loved made out of jade.
Jade rollers are very popular in China because they have been part of the Chinese culture for centuries. Jade in general is a popular mineral, but these rollers have become so popular all over the world. So, what does it do besides feel great on your skin? It totally improves circulation and depuffs swollen areas.
Make sure you keep it clean and use it on clean skin as well.
Try it alone or with a serum. I like to keep mine in the fridge so it’s nice and cool when I pull it out.
Now that you are ready to roll how do you use it?
Start off from your neck area and just go straight up. Don’t go back and forth, remember we are trying to work on keeping our skin’s elasticity as long as we can.
If you get a little red don’t worry that just means it’s working.

Article Written by Aline Agopian

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