Jewelry & Watches

Isn’t It Time to Organize Your Jewels?

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Every now and then, reorganizing your bathroom, drawers and closets makes you happier and mentally more comfortable. But hey, don’t forget your jewelry box! Of course, we’re not asking you to get rid of some precious pieces that you’ve always dreamed to own, but rather to reorganize them!

Organizing your jewels makes it easier for you to opt for pieces that were hard to find or extract from the box – giving you more styles to explore on a daily basis. With this in mind, I’ve decided to share with you some tips to give your jewelry box a great makeover!     

- Start off by emptying your jewelry box and cleaning it from any dust. Make sure to put your jewels on a towel to avoid scratches on the pieces or on the table.

- The next step would be to sort out your jewelry into 3 categories – or more if need be. Separate the daily pieces from the exquisite jewels and the ones that you rarely wear.

- Do not hesitate to use a jewelry box for each category. This will make your jewels more organized and easier to find – especially if you have a lot.

- In each jewelry box, dedicate a space for earrings, another for rings, bracelets and necklaces.

- When reorganizing your jewelry pieces in the box, make sure to keep your pieces separated. You certainly don’t want that necklace and that bracelet that you just untangled to get knotted with other pieces as soon as you put them back.

- When it comes to pendants and necklaces, use the space in your closet wisely and dedicate a small part of it for a stand on which you hang them. This is a great way to keep them from tangling.

- To organize your earrings, use a wide satin ribbon and pin them on it by pair. Then, cut the ribbon in order to separate the pairs and stack them in their dedicated space in your jewelry box. And make sure to do so in a way that allows you to avoid causing scratches.

- If your jewelry box doesn’t feature those long cushions in which you set your rings one by one, use a round binder clip to organize them.

- As for the pieces that you wear daily and keep on your nightstand, don’t hesitate to organize them as well by hanging them on a stand of their own. This will not only keep them organized, but will make for a great feminine decoration!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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