
How Often Should You Really Get a Trim

When it comes to haircuts, I admit I wait until my hair is almost as dry as a broom before I ask my hairdresser to cut off the ends. I know, I know “trim your hair every 4-6 weeks” is what experts always say, but is it really true or do they just want us to keep making trips to the salon? If I were to trim my hair regulary, that means every single time I color my hair I would get a little trim. Wow! That’s like a haircut almost every month!

Ok let’s not panic and get some answers first.
So, it turns out how often you cut your hair depends on your hair right now.
For example, let’s start off with short hair; if you want to maintain your length, yes 4-6 weeks is ideal. If you have medium length hair and you are happy with your hair length, 8-10 weeks should be fine. If you have curly hair like me and really want to grow it longer, you can wait 4-6 months. Here is the catch though; if your hair is also chemically treated you shouldn’t go longer than 8 weeks.
Feeling confused yet? Me too!
So here is my plan; I don’t think I can commit to cutting it every time I get my hair colored, but I do think I can do it every other month. Now when it comes to your choice, make sure you explain to your hairdresser what you mean by a trim because it seems some of them missed that chapter in hair-dressing school!   


Article Written by Aline Agopian

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