
Get the Most Out of Your Face Scrub

We are all aware of the benefits of using a facial scrub from time to time, but what we are all unsure of is whether we’re using it the right way or as frequently as we should. To get the most out of your face scrub, there are some tips and golden rules to follow. And since we always help you be on top of your beauty game, we can’t miss this one. So, here’s how you can make facial scrub the secret behind your healthy, glowing skin!

- Don’t use the same face scrub that your best friend uses. What work wonders for her doesn’t necessarily do you any favors. Therefore, visit your dermatologist and let him give you a scrub that really answers your skin’s needs.

- Ask how many times you need to use it per week, as they will know how sensitive or tough your skin is in order to avoid any irritation.

- While exfoliating your skin, use gentle motions as being rough can cause damage to your skin. To ensure good results, you can use a soft loofah or a cleaning machine dedicated to face exfoliation.

- After exfoliating, it’s time to moisturize. In fact, exfoliation removes dead skin cells and leaves your complexion looking fresh, healthy and glowing but also strips it from the natural oils that hydrate it. Therefore, moisturizing is a must!

With these useful tips in mind, you can enjoy your facial scrub to the fullest!

Since exfoliation is also a must for your body, here are facts every woman should know about body scrubs.

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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