
Face Shaving… for Us?

Don’t worry, I was surprised at first just as you are now, and I am still processing that shaving has become a renowned facial hair removal method for women as well. You’re probably thinking about all the pain you’ve gone through to remove those annoying hairs on your face to discover now that shaving was an option. However, let’s talk about this and help you come up with a list of pros and cons!

When taking the decision to shave your face, it’s very important to know whether your skin type is a good candidate for such procedure! This actually helps you avoid breakouts and irritation so, if you have a sensitive complexion or going through an active acne, avoid at any cost shaving your face. According to dermatologists, shaving can only make things worse and we definitely don’t want that. Therefore, waiting for your acne to heal is the best way to go.

With these few heads up in mind, let us guide you through the process of shaving your face:

  • Start off by cleaning your face with a creamy cleanser in order to keep it hydrated. This will help avoid irritation.
  • Dry your face well, and get your eyebrow razor ready.
  • To ensure safety and good results, hold the razor against your skin in a 45-degree position moving along the hair direction – not against it!
  • Now that you’re done, extra measures have to be taken and one of them is immediately cleaning your face with a toner. The latter will act as an antiseptic.
  • Wait one hour at least before applying foundation, makeup or moisturizer that isn’t formulated to suit a sensitive skin. Even if your complexion isn’t sensitive, it might get after shaving!

No matter your decision, stay real and don’t expect a deep exfoliation like the one that dermaplaning provides, because this technique only works on fine facial hair. So don’t get your hopes up if your hairs are fully-grown and coarse. On another note, this can be the magical solution for those annoying peach fuzz that cover your face and make your foundation look – well – less than perfect!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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