
Did You Know…What The Most Expensive Fabric Is?

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It has been long acknowledged that the most expensive fabric was cashmere. But contrary to popular belief, there’s even a pricier fabric, also known as the “Vicuna”. Interesting, right?

What’s even more interesting though is that a “Vicuna” is actually a rare breed animal and relative of the Llama, originating from Peru, with orange fur and white patches. In fact, these small animals are covered in incredibly warm fur, so much so that living in high-altitude mountains is extremely normal for them! The wool fabric extracted from them was supposedly worn by Royals centuries ago and continues to be of high exclusivity till this very day! The reason as to why this exact wool fabric is exclusive, probably originates from its jaw-dropping price, but most importantly from the fact they shed only one pound of hair in a year. And while a year doesn’t seem too long, their hair can be shaved every three whole years!

So before you go on and search for a Vicuna coat, hold your horses and get a load of this: the Vicuna fabric is wonderfully light, soft and warm but should you buy it, you’re going to have to drop at least $2000 per yard! Ouch!

So why don’t we just settle for Cashmere for now?


Cindy Menassa