
Challenge the Heat with These Hydration Tips

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Dehydration is the most annoying feeling that one could experience in summer heat. Well in fact, it’s not only about being annoying, but rather about how much damage it can produce to your body when the latter starving for the freshest drop of water. Therefore, here are a few tips that will help you challenge the heat of this season in the Gulf!

  • Drink plenty of water! This does not only apply to the hot season, as getting used to drinking plenty of water all year long is a resolution you won’t regret achieving.
  • Switch to a water-based skincare routine. Let go of your winter hydrating creams to avoid shiny skin when applying makeup and opt for serums that do the trick without overhydrating your face.
  • Avoid sugary drinks and caffeine. These 2 cause water retention, and it’s the total opposite of the result you’re looking to get!
  • Consume food with high water percentage. Yes, it’s watermelon season and we’re going to take advantage of it as much as we can! Other fruits and veggies with high water content are cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, grapefruit, strawberries and spinach – to name a few.
  • When working out, make up for the sweat with more water. Need we say more?

Now, we can truly wish you a happy summer!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad

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