
Castor Oil For Hair

During my last visit to my stylist we discussed how my hair was so unhealthy and what we can do about it. I was waiting for her to suggest a hair mask, but she actually told me to use a combination of ingredients that I already happened to have. Her hair was bleach blonde and it looked super healthy. She first told me she puts coconut oil on her ends which wasn’t new to me as I occasionally did that before a shower. 
The only difference was what she used on the scalp. She said to go section by section as if you are coloring your roots and apply castor oil. She did admit that it would get a bit messy and drip, so make sure to wear an old T-shirt and have a towel handy. It made sense because I had heard of using castor oil for my eyebrows and lashes, but I never tried it on my scalp. I did some research and there is no actual scientific data proving that it causes your hair to grow or make it stronger. But, basically, it’s one of those things that won’t hurt you so it is worth a try. Although I would love for my hair to grow faster my main concern was also my scalp. Castor oil is also known to help with sensitive and itchy scalp which I definitely have. I plan on trying to use it once a week since I know that these treatments usually only work if you are consistent with them. Stay tuned for results!


Article Written by Aline Agopian

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