
Back to School – Say Hello to Energetic Mornings!

We all know how annoying a school morning can be and we appreciate the effort our kids put in to reaching high levels of energy before heading to school. Now the question is: how to make your child a morning person? It might be one of the hardest tasks for a mom but we will help you get through this with a few tips.

1 – For children, getting up early in the morning can only be achievable by getting to bed as early as possible. Although it might be hard at first to make it happen, but once you get on the right track, you will not regret it as your kids will be energetic enough to go through a school day cheerfully. This is not all, as this routine will also help their physical, emotional and mental development.

2 – Nothing beats waking up with a smile, and this applies to your kids as well! Therefore, make sure to wake them up with hugs, tickles and kisses. And hey, don’t forget to be patient with them and avoid yelling at them no matter what – because this could ruin their mood for the whole day!

3 – Plan your morning and theirs. This will actually help you avoid a messy one while giving them the opportunity to feel that they achieved something by getting the tasks you gave them done. From brushing their teeth to combing their hair, getting dressed and having breakfast, they will be more than glad to learn taking on responsibilities.

4 – Speaking of breakfast, make sure to offer them a healthy one that provides them with energy and helps them get ready for a long school day.

5 – Do not, under any circumstances, switch on the TV or any other media devices because this will stop them from achieving their meaningful tasks. Instead, make sure to interact with them by talking about their previous school day and their plans for the day, while of course praising their efforts.

6 – Set their mood and yours right by playing some music and believe us, happy mornings will become a piece of cake.


Mirella Haddad

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