
Accessorizing Like a Pro-The Do’s and Don’ts

Accessories are setting off major alarms this season. Okay, not just this season, but it just seems that this time in particular, we’ve seen a whole lot of glamorous tidbits and we can’t seem to wrap our heads around their fabulousness! The thing is, there are so many ways to accessorize, that one would definitely get lost in that whole “watch me glow” frenzy.

But we always seem to forget that there is a fine line between just enough accessories and too much of them. The art of accessorizing can magically turn a simple outfit from yay to nay! So how will you ever accessorize like a pro?

Do pay attention to proportions. If you’re wearing a big outfit, then stick to small and discrete accessories. But if you’re going for a pared-back look, then go all out with a statement bag or a chunky necklace.

Don’t mix a complex look with bold accessories. Balance is key!

Do go for long earrings as a nod to the eighties. Yes, the oldies are back!

Don’t mix and match too many accessories all at once. If you’re wearing big earrings, tone it down with the necklace or don’t wear one at all. Keep it to one or two accessories at best!

You’ve heard about arm candy, right? Then by all means, do layer, layer and layer your bracelets. Enough said.

If you’re a fan of black, then don’t feel bad about it. Just wear a colorful purse or a pair of vibrant earrings and you’re golden!

Do mix materials. Yes, gold and silver do mix well together!


Cindy Menassa

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