
Transitioning your shoes from Fall to Spring - The Do’s and Don’ts

It’s getting warm again. The cold breeze is disappearing and you find yourself already feeling healthier and happier. Switching gear from winter to spring is something we all want to do oh-so gracefully. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that we always do it right. In fact, some of us go on about this matter by pulling out all the stops for all the wrong reasons. One thing we should definitely keep in mind is that our feet have been going through a rough time for over 2 or 3 months now. Which basically means that the “transition” per say should be extremely gentle and slow. How to do it, you ask? Here are our golden rules!

Even though there are hundreds of styles you wish to adopt, don’t underestimate the power of a good pedicure. Clean-cut and well-groomed toenails are the basis of any spring-y look.

Do make sure you choose bright and breezy colors as to keep in line with the mood.

Don’t forget that with every new season come new styles. If you feel that your old shoes are out, then do yourself a favor and throw them out.

Do pick a cut that suits your form and most importantly that suits your outfit. Coping with the seasonal change can be tricky if you mix things up.

Do consider wearing mules and slippers, as they give your feet a little space to breeze.

Do forgo wintery textures such as velvet, leather and fur trimmings.

If you want to put a rocker-chic twist to your outfit, boots are not a no-no. Just make sure you don’t pick a heavy fabric. Mix it up with a spring dress an you’re good to go!


Cindy Menassa