Kids Tips

Quarantining with Kids –Make Staying at Home Fun

We know that quarantining is super hard, but rest assured that this is the right way to fight COVID-19, and that you’re doing the right thing to protect your family and yourself!

Days might seem longer than ever now, but you have to stay positive in order to keep your little ones distracted and happy!

Now that they can’t meet up with their friends for playdates, distracting them is on you. Luckily for us, there are plenty of activities that do just that, but before we share our ideas, here’s an important tip: a schedule can really make things easier for you and for your kids, as it allows them to enjoy many activities and highlight many of their skills.

- Kids love crafts, so let them help you prepare a homemade play dough and give him/her 1 hour to be creative.

- Painting is also one of the activities kids really enjoy, so draw a big smile on their faces by giving them plastic bowls on which they can draw flowers, or anything else they want, and eventually color them.   

- Do you know that karaoke machine that you hid because it was so annoying? Now is the time to bust it out! This would really make for a fun activity for both kids and parents.

- If there is anything that’s making this lockdown easier, it would certainly be technology. So, use it to make video calls with family and friends to enhance your kids’ sense of interaction.

- To help your kid remember the alphabet, let him/her organize your bookshelf alphabetically.

- If your little ones love cooking, let them help you prepare the three meals of the day and some delicious desserts and snacks!

- Give them puzzle challenges as completing them will engage their minds and fill up their time.

- To promote their writing skills, let them write letters to their friends and neighbors.

- The bigger the task, the more fun it is! If your little ones are into building and construction, show them some YouTube videos and help them build a car, a boat, a house out of big boxes and maybe some furniture pieces.

- Kids need physical activity, so let them spend some time on the balcony or in your backyard dancing to their favorite music, or let them do some yoga with you. This could be really fun!

- Last but not least, take into consideration that your little ones would love a mysterious adventure, so why not design a treasure hunt at home? You can find some really nice places to hide stuff and make the game even more mysterious!

The ideas are endless but don’t worry, we will keep providing you with many more as long as we’re staying put and indoors. Stay safe and try to enjoy family time!

Article Written by Mirella Haddad