
Office Attire – The Do’s and Don’ts

While office attires are not essentially the most creative outfits, they do demand a bit more effort on our part – unless you work in a creative agency. But the rest of us are doomed to a lifetime of figuring out work-appropriate outfits that don’t necessarily scream “I’m here to have fun” or the complete opposite, “I am beyond boring.” The trick here is to add little touches to lift up your everyday looks; because yes, you can go wrong with literally the smallest details. Something as little as a bag can turn your look from yay to nay. And while there are other factors that affect work attires, the fact is that there are some cardinal rules no one should ignore.

Whether you sway towards semi-formal clothes or more laid-back options, there are choices for us all. If you want to keep that dream job of yours, or you want to land a new one, here are our tips to a jolly good office attire.

Start off with the basics; Do learn about the company’s dress-code.

Do pick the safest choices, such as cropped trousers and a structured white shirt.

Don’t underestimate the power of confidence. If you feel good in your outfit, your work will show much more dedication. Opt for discrete accessories and clothes that fit your body.

Do wear makeup. Being serious about your job doesn’t necessarily mean you should let yourself go.

Don’t opt for open-toe shoes, unless you’re going for heeled sandals.

By all means, do banish all things mini and short from your dress-code.

If you work in fashion, don’t forget to channel your creativity through your outfit.


Cindy Menassa