
Discovering Chanel’s Gabrielle Bag with Pharrell Williams

Following the last three short films starring Kristen Stewart, Cara Delevingne and Caroline de Maigret, Chanel has finally unveiled the last addition to the bewildering saga, featuring singer Pharrell Williams.

Directed by the French creator of pop videos and music documentaries, Antoine Carlier, the short film depicts Pharrell wandering in an empty concert hall, making his way through metal boxes and materials and balancing his silhouette on a metal beam, all the while holding on tight to his Chanel Gabrielle bag. Because what’s truly an adventure without a bit of Chanel, right?

“My character in the movie is a guy that's probably...really into Chanel, a lot like I am right now. And a lot like myself, he probably just didn't want to take the bag off,” commented the singer.