
10 Reasons Why you Should Start Drinking More Water

If you drink the daily suggested amount of water Bravo! If you are like me and always tell yourself you should, but never get around to it, here is some motivation.

The most important thing in our body is keeping our digestive system moving. By drinking water, you help reduce inflammation and flush out toxins. What does this mean as far as beauty goes? Clearer skin.

Speaking of skin, we are willing to spend endless amounts of money on any lotions and potions that will get rid of or prevent wrinkles, but the best way to keep wrinkles at bay is drinking more water!

Ever gulp down a glass of water or any beverage before your food arrives? Notice that you can barely finish what you ordered? This happens with soup too. The liquid gives your belly that full feeling, sending signals to your brain to stop eating. Sounds good to me!

Besides helping you feel fuller faster, water can actually help you lose weight. Try it for a week and see what happens.

Tried every foundation and highlighter but still don’t seem to have that glow you had in your 20s? Water is the answer to that glow and perhaps a little bit of sun!

Besides drinking water, taking a warm bath and then switching to a cool shot at the end is not only good for your hair but your skin and muscles too.  

Did you know drinking water can even help your hair grow faster?  Without water your body won’t absorb all the vitamins needed for hair and nail growth.

Got a case of the flakes? Chances are you aren’t drinking water. Water even stops dandruff!

Finally, water can make you happy. Dehydration can make it harder for you to deal with stress, so drink up, not only to keep physical toxins out, but mental ones as well.


Aline Agopian

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